April 14


3 Digit Alternatives

By Raymond Eaddy

April 14, 2017

With the institution of a 2.99 monthly fee that Digit has implemented, existing users, who have 100 days of free usage before they begin to be charged will be or have already decided to jump ship.

But where can these users jump to?

We have 3 free alternatives for you.


Dobot is the closest replacement for Digit – you download an app, connect your account, and then a savings goal (with associated savings target amount and date).

Each week, they analyze your spending and move a safe amount of funds over to your goal. Your funds are in an FDIC insured account and you can withdraw your money at anytime.

Dobot even has a $5 referral bonus (you get $5 for signing up) and cute text message interactions… it’s pretty much the same as Digit except you have savings goals. And it’s free.



Tip Yourself

Tip Yourself doesn’t automatically calculate how much to transfer, you tell it how much – $2, $5, $10, or some other amount. What it doesn’t have in automation, it replaces with a social network and a little human engineering. You can connect with others in the Tip Yourself community to support each other’s achievements (props!). They have a real desire to build good habits with daily, weekly, and monthly progress goals. They also have a calendar showing when you tip yourself.



Dobot transfers automatically, Tip Yourself is 100% manual, Qapital is somewhere in between. It will do things automatically but you have to tell it what rules to follow – it gives you more control than Dobot while still having the machines do the heavy lifting.

They’re free, FDIC insured, and available on iPhone and Android.


How to Cancel Digit

Lastly, as for quitting Digit, here’s the link to do it. If you’re an existing user, you’ll have 100 days before the fee. Since your money isn’t doing much, there’s no reason to stick around the 100 days.

Will you be sticking with Digit and the new fee or finding a new tool? If you’re leaving, which one will you go for?

Raymond Eaddy

About the author

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